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The recent US presidential campaign was marked by strident and divisive political rhetoric. We, the undersigned faculty and staff of John Carroll University, deplore the racist, homophobic, misogynistic, and nativist rhetoric that marked the campaign season, and we publicly reaffirm our commitment to the respect and openness to difference that is a hallmark of the Ignatian tradition. We celebrate the diverse backgrounds, gifts, and interests represented at John Carroll, and we pledge to work together to ensure that each and every JCU student, staff, and faculty person is welcomed at this university as an equal member in this community of scholarship and understanding. Furthermore, as Catholic Social Teaching and our commitment to social justice demands, we as a community reassert our particular commitment to stand with all who have been marginalized, threatened, or disenfranchised as a result of this painful and divisive election. 2016-1109-resolution-of-solidarity-and-respect If you would like to be a signatory to this resolution of support write to