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   Chairs - Fall 2024

  • Accountancy: Tripp Petzel
  • Biology: James Watling
  • Chemistry: Yuh-Cherng Chai
  • Classical and Modern Languages and Cultures: Julia Karolle-Berg
  • Tim Russert Department of Communication: Brent Brossmann
  • Counseling: Martina Moore
  • Economics and Finance: Scott Moore 
  • Education: Yi Shang 
  • English: Peter Kvidera (Interim)
  • Exercise Science and Sports Leadership:  Gregory Farnell
  • History: Anne Kugler
  • Management, Marketing, and Supply Chain: Tina Facca-Miess
  • Mathematics, Computer Science, & Data Science: Jillian Stupiansky 
  • Nursing: Dawn Boettcher
  • Military Science: James Wheeler
  • Philosophy: Earl Spurgin
  • Physics: Naveed Piracha
  • Political Science: Andreas Sobisch
  • Psychology: Denise Ben-Porath
  • Sociology and Criminology: Medora Barnes
  • Theology and Religious Studies: Edward Hahnenberg

The John Carroll University Faculty Bibliography lists publications in various categories authored by both full- and part-time faculty. It is updated several times each year. A research reception is held during the Celebration of Scholarship every spring to recognize faculty authors as well as faculty who have been awarded a grant during the previous calendar year.

Formerly overseen by the Vice President of Academic Affairs Office, the Faculty Bibliography has moved into its new home on Carroll Collected. It is co-edited by Mina Chercourt (Grasselli Library & Breen Learning Center) and Rebecca Drenovsky (AAVP Office). Previous bibliographies are available in PDF format. Starting with the 2017 Bibliography, publications are tagged and linked dynamically. As a result, citations are easier to find and access with tracking reports made available to authors. New publications will be added to the database as they are received for a consistently up-to-date listing.

To be listed in the Bibliography, please send one hard copy of your article or book to Mina Chercourt ( If available only as a web publication, email the persistent link to Mina. Also, please indicate if the publication includes a current or former student as a co-author or if the author is a part-time faculty member. Once processed, faculty books and monographs will be displayed, according to their year of publication, in the case outside the Vice President for Academic Affairs Office on the first floor of the Administration Building.

Please note that, for a faculty member to be recognized at the spring research reception, publications must be submitted to Mina Chercourt no later than March 1.

The University offers opportunities to faculty in support of their research:

See additional forms for faculty assistance at the Center for Teaching & Learning site.

Every full-time faculty member is obliged to participate in the annual self-evaluation process. Full-time faculty members receive individualized self-evaluation forms via email on or about August 1. They must submit this form in hard copy to their Department Chair by October 1. Chairpersons submit the self-evaluations, with their own comments and any faculty responses to them, to the appropriate Dean’s office by November 1.

Guidelines for Awarding of the Kahl Endowment for Internationalizing the Curriculum

The purpose of the endowment is to provide funds for faculty travel related to the internationalization of the curriculum. Funds are not available to support travel for international conferences. The following guidelines govern the awards:

I. Faculty submit a proposal to the Vice President of Academic Affairs who has the final approval on the allocation of the funds.

  1. Funds are considered on a rolling basis, but for programs requiring an expenditure during any particular budget year, no proposal will be accepted after March 1. Our budget (fiscal) year runs from June 1 through May 31.
  2. Any request received after a program has already begun will not be considered for funding.
  3. Requests for support received within a month of the commencement of a program will be handled on a low priority basis.

II. The proposal should contain the following:

  1. Statement of goals.
  2. Rationale for use of funds and relationship to internationalizing the curriculum.
  3. Evidence of how the project activities (a) would relate to a specific international course, including when the course would be scheduled, or (b) would otherwise specifically contribute to the internationalization of the curriculum.
  4. A letter of support from the faculty member’s Department Chair and approval by the appropriate Dean.
  5. A budget showing how the funds would be used.

III. The Vice President of Academic Affairs determines the amount of the award.

IV. The faculty member submits a report to the Vice President of Academic Affairs with copies to the Dean and Department Chair upon his/her return. The report should include a copy of the course syllabus and/or a detailed explanation regarding how the international experience will give students greater exposure to international topics.


Full-time faculty begin their careers at John Carroll with the New Faculty Seminar, a year-long series of collegial discussions about various aspects of life at John Carroll, including liberal education, mission and identity, teaching and research, student life, and paths to tenure and promotion.  In 2023-24 all sessions will take place in the Murphy Room (LC-38A) on selected Fridays from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m.  Questions about NFS can be directed to Rebecca Drenovsky, Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs, at, or extension X 4451.

Schedule for 2024-2025

Friday, September 20, 2024


Friday, October 18, 2024 


Friday, November 15, 2024


Friday, January 24, 2025


Friday, February 21, 2025 


Friday, March 14, 2025 


Friday, April 11, 2025 


Friday, May 6, 2025 



Part time faculty bring a wealth of expertise and experience to the curriculum and course offerings at John Carroll University.  This site is meant to provide a one-stop source of information about teaching at John Carroll, from the nuts and bolts of new hire orientation, through classroom policies and procedures (including syllabi and grading), to the resources available through the various offices on campus.  Thanks to all our part time faculty for their invaluable contribution to the education of John Carroll students!

If you have any questions or suggestions about this website, please contact Dr. Rebecca Drenovsky, the Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs, at

Outstanding Part-Time Faculty Teaching Award

Purpose: These awards recognize the contributions part-time faculty members make to the teaching mission of the University.

Eligibility: Any part-time faculty member currently teaching at JCU and who has taught here for at least 3 semesters. Nominees should have made outstanding contributions to the education of JCU students.

Nomination process:

  • Any department chair or program director may initiate a nomination.
  • Nominations should include a letter detailing the contributions of the nominee and providing evidence of these contributions. The nomination should also include a current CV of the nominee.
  • For the 2023-2024 academic year, two awards will be given (one from the College of Arts and Sciences and one from the Boler College of Business). Beginning with the 2024-2025 academic year, a third award will be given from the College of Health.
  • Nominations are due by the third Monday of March to the office of the appropriate Dean.

Selection process:

  • The selection committee is chaired by the Dean and will consist of two part-time faculty and two full-time faculty members. The committee will review applications and notify the winners during the last week of classes. Winners will be announced to the campus community.
  • Nominations will be judged based on evidence of exceptional teaching as demonstrated by the development and/or implementation of innovative teaching and learning strategies, evidence of high standards for both the rigor and currency of course content, and demonstrated mastery by students of the learning outcomes articulated for the course(s).
  • The Outstanding Part-Time Faculty Members each will receive a $500 award.

Listing of Award Recipients

Academic Year 2019-2020:
Dr. Nancy Conrady - Classical & Modern Languages & Cultures
Dr. Heinrik Hellwig - Philosophy

Academic Year 2018-2019:
Mr. Earl Pike  - Non Profit Administration
Dr. Thomas Roche -  English Dept. (Co-Winner)
Mr. Robert (Bo) Smith -  English Dept. (Co-Winner)

Academic Year 2017-2018:
Ms. Michele Freyhauf  - Theology & Religious Studies Dept.
Dr. Jennifer Moe - Education & School Psychology Dept.

Academic Year 2016-2017:
Yvonne Bruce -  English Dept.
Sara Schiavoni -  Political Science Dept.
George Vourlojianis -  History Dept.

The Spring, 2024 reprinting of the Faculty Handbook

Contact Us

If you have any questions about the services provided by the Office of the Vice President of Academic Affairs, please contact:

Rebecca Drenovsky
Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs

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