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Since its founding in the Spring of 1982, the John Carroll University Blue-Gold Club has served our student athletes – both past and present- through commitment to its mission: to support, promote, and recognize varsity athletics.

Blue Gold serves to raise much-needed revenue to supplement specific needs that enhance the Student Athletic experience at John Carroll. The Blue Gold Club goal is to provide the resources necessary to allow JCU athletes to compete at championship levels.

Past projects include:

  • Additional funding for the David R. Muese Wrestling Room.
  • Additional funding for the Varsity Weight & Conditioning Room and Shula Stadium.
  • The construction and enhancements of the Herb Eisele Blue-Gold Room in the De Carlo Varsity Center.
  • The creation of PAC, OAC, All-American and Hall of Fame recognition boards posted in Athletic facilities.
  • The purchase of equipment such as timing systems, video cameras, lap top computers and additional practice equipment which allows JCU to both host and compete on a national stage.

The Blue Gold Club also sponsors special events for JCU teams, purchases t-shirts for Ohio Athletic Conference (OAC) championship teams, plaques for teams that archive “Elite Eight” status or higher and sponsors Senior Student Athlete annual events. The signature event for the Blue Gold Club is the annual JCU Athletic Hall of Fame Dinner and Ceremony. The Blue Gold Club strives to increase its presence and its contribution to Student Athlete projects and purchases on an ongoing, as needed basis.