You're Not Alone
Deciding ranks as John Carroll University’s most popular “major.” About 1:5 students enter with this same exploratory and growth mindset — and most stay on track to graduate in four years.

Find Your Fit
You will join other deciding students for College Compass, a semester-long immersion course that puts you in control of next steps.

Make a Stronger Decision
The extra support you’ll receive as a deciding student means that when you’re ready, you will be more certain of your choices.

Available Majors at John Carroll University
JCU offers 70+ majors/minors/concentrations and fifth year options.
Mix + Match
You know best what sparks your passion. Combine majors, minors, research, internships and experiential learning and inspire next steps.
Skills to Match Employer Needs
Our Integrative Core Curriculum prioritizes the same communication and problem solving skills that employers prize:
• written expression
• oral expression
• quantitative analysis
• technological/informational literacy
Support for Deciding Students
Deciding Students Profiles
of students who wait until second semester or later to declare their major graduate vs 79% who declare upon entry. (Source: Education Advisory Board).
undergraduates will change their college major (Source: US Department of Education).
of all jobs that will exist in 2030 have yet to be defined (Source: Dell Technologies/Institute for The Future report)

Our promise to every student:
The future will not surprise you. You will surprise the future.
Whether you see your future self as a teacher, doctor, lawyer, nurse, marketer, chemist, law enforcement officer or engineer, we encourage you to connect STEM and human skills and to create a world of opportunity that serves the many, not just the few.