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Statement on JCU Website and Other Accessibility Efforts

Consistent with its mission, John Carroll University seeks to ensure that every student, faculty, staff member and visitor feels welcome and has the equal access to work and educational opportunities. Accessibility helps make every member of the campus community feel welcome by providing all with access to educational and employment information and services.

The University has moved recently toward an expanded comprehensive website accessibility plan as a next step toward creating a more inclusive atmosphere where every student can effectively learn and thrive, every employee can perform to full potential, and every visitor on the JCU website feels welcome.

JCU has designed a new website and a comprehensive plan to make accessible our website and other information technology on campus and online. The University's new website is WCAG 2.0 compliant. The University is working on making accessible certain legacy PDF documents that existed on the prior website so they are properly tagged or titled. The University is working with other third-party contractors to assure any external vendors maintain WCAG 2.0 accessibility compliance. The University also has engaged in training sessions for power users on the new website and web accessibility measures.

The University is taking these initiatives as good-faith efforts to become fully accessible to individuals with disabilities and in full compliance with applicable laws and regulations. Current initiatives include: providing guidance on accessibility requirements for web content providers for use in web pages; developing a plan for accessibility updates as identified; training employees on accessibility best practices whenever possible;  adding accessibility requirements for vendors where appropriate; and providing a mechanism for reporting accessibility issues with the website.

The University has formed a Task Force to review and implement web accessibility initiatives. The Task Force includes:

Garry Homany, Director of Regulatory Affairs/Risk Management, and ADA Disability Coordinator – or (216) 397-1982

Allison West Kaskey, Director of Student Accessibility Services, and ADA Disability Coordinator – or (216) 397-4967

Todd Bruce, Assistant Provost for Institutional Effectiveness and Advising - or (216) 397-1600

Sarah Forrer, Assistant Vice President of Marketing and Creative Services – or (216) 397-4321

Kara Kraus, Director of Web Services - or (216) 397 4346

John Sully, Associate CIO – or (216) 397-1965

Colleen Treml, General Counsel – or (216) 397-1595

Mike TouVelle, Assistant General Counsel – or (216) 397-1994

If you have comments or input regarding web accessibility issues or initiatives, please contact any member of the Web Accessibility Task Force.

If you have a concern about accessibility of a particular web page or site, please submit the concern to:

For Students:

Allison West Kaskey Director of Student Accessibility Services, and ADA Disability Coordinator or (216) 397-4967

For Staff and Faculty:

Garry Homany Director of Regulatory Affairs/Risk Management, and ADA Disability Coordinator or (216) 397-1982