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CSSLSS is a subsidiary operation of the chemistry department. It provides value-added services to the entire John Carroll University community, especially the sciences.

Our Mission

Central Scientific Stores and Laboratory Support Services advances the scientific endeavors of the University through leadership and expertise in supply-chain management of scientific materials sourced throughout the world.

Hours of Operation:

Monday-Friday: 8 a.m.–noon; 1-5 p.m.
Saturday/Sunday: Closed

Summer and break hours are subject to change. Feel free to call ahead: 216.397.4244.


Health and Safety in the Chemistry Department


Central Scientific Stores and Laboratory Support Services is an ancillary enterprise of the Chemistry Department.

Faculty and researchers are encouraged to direct their purchases of chemicals, equipment and supplies through Central Scientific Stores to ensure the best price and availability. JCU enjoys special pricing and preferred vendor status with many distributors and manufacturers. Please consult with Mr. Jeff Your, C.S.M.M., for additional purchasing options. He can provide the level of service to your laboratory which you find most comfortable and convenient. Purchase requisitions can be placed with CSSLSS for rapid turnaround and just-in-time delivery. Along with these services, Mr. Your can help you expedite other administrative paperwork, such as maintenance and repair orders.

Manager of Central Scientific Stores

Contact Us

Jeff Your, M.B.A., C.S.M.M.
Dolan Room W310