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Criminology Concentration

The Criminology Concentration is recommended for students interested in law, crime, forensics, police work and justice. It includes six courses (18 credits) including a required internship.

The Criminology Concentration consists of five tiers of course work. All tiers must be completed to fulfill the requirements of this Concentration.

Tier I: Introductory Criminology Courses

  • SC 2200 Criminal Justice Systems (3 cr.)
  • SC 2400 Criminology (3 cr.)

Tier II: Special Topics in Criminology

  • SC 2650 Victims of Crime (3 cr.)
  • SC 2750 Family Violence (3 cr.)

Tier III: Diversity, Culture, and Inclusion

  • SC 2350 African American Experience (3 cr.)
  • SC 2550 Prejudice and Discrimination (3 cr.)
  • SC 2570 Social Inequalities in Society (3 cr.)
  • SC 3200 Sex and Gender (3 cr.)

Tier IV: Advanced Topics in Criminology

  • SC 3400 Juvenile Delinquency (3 cr.)
  • SC 3430 Drugs and Crime (3 cr.)
  • SC 3450 Corrections (3 cr.)
  • SC 3880 Forensic Science in Criminal Justice (3 cr.)

Tier V: Summary Courses in Criminology

  • SC 4350 Law, Ethics, and Criminal Justice Politics(3 cr.)
  • SC 4400 Violence and Society (3 cr.)
  • SC 4750 Internship and Seminar in Criminology (3-4 cr.)
students in classroom

Internship Sites

Internships are wonderful opportunities for students to gain experience and network. Our students have completed internships in over 80 nonprofit and governmental agencies throughout the Cleveland metropolitan area. Internships are available in either the fall or spring semesters, and should be completed Junior or Senior year.

Students should work with department faculty and Career Services to be matched to an internship site based on their career interests. Participation in an internship generally requires a 2.75 GPA. If an internship that meets the department’s internship requirements is done during the summer, students may be able to petition the Chair to take an additional 3000/4000 level course instead of completing a second internship.

young girl reading in class

Small Class Sizes

Our small class sizes of usually 25 or less allows individual attention to each student while encouraging greater interaction with their professors and classmates.