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Experiential learning is a vital part of our University's mission and an active internship program is one of the many ways the Sociology and Criminology department lives this commitment. Our students have completed internships in over 80 nonprofit and governmental agencies throughout the Cleveland metropolitan area. Internships are valuable, as they help students gain professional experience, while applying the knowledge and abilities learned in the classroom. While optional for our majors, all students choosing to complete a department concentration are required to complete a 3 credit internship. 

Students can register for department credit through course SC-4750 during either Fall, Spring or Summer semesters. Students should work with department faculty and Career Services to be matched to an internship site based on their career interests. Participation in an internship generally requires a 2.75 GPA. If an internship that meets the department’s internship requirements is done during the summer for 0 credits (CE-1199), students can petition to take an additional 3000/4000 level course instead of completing a second internship.

See below for detailed instructions on registering for your internship.


The department partners with the JCU Career Services to offers students 120 hour supervised internships (SC-4750)

Before a student register for the course, the following information is required:
1) Internship site, supervisor name & contact information
2) General description of the position/work being done (student can write and confirm with Supervisor)
3) Three internship learning objectives appropriate for the internship site
4) Student resume (pre-internship)

Once you have gathered the above information, login to Handshake and apply for the internship through the Handshake Experiences option.