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Students who complete a major in sociology and criminology will achieve proficiency of the following student learning goals:

  1. Sociological & Critical Thinking: Our students have the ability to articulate and evaluate how individual experiences are shaped by social structures, institutions, culture and multiple elements of social difference and/or inequality.

  2. Social Theorizing: Our majors can apply classical and contemporary theory to understand interactions of individuals, groups, organizations and the broader problems of society.

  3. Understand Research: Our majors understand how to review appropriate the scholarly literature, apply sociological methods--either quantitative or qualitative--to critically examine social issues of importance. 

  4. Communicate Effectively: Our students have an understanding of social location, and are thus, thoughtful communicators who can articulate ideas with respect and effective understanding of others. 

The department of Sociology and Criminology is continually involved in evaluating its programs to maintain high academic standards. 

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