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The Varsity Team Service Award recognizes and celebrates those Varsity Teams who engaged in significant service activities in the community as a team. Each team is eligible to be recognized at the Gold, Silver, or Bronze level based on their team's engagement and commitment to being men and women with and for others.  Criteria for recognition include:

  • Breadth of Service - the extent to which each member on the team in involved in one or more service activities.
  • Depth of Service - the extent to which teams committed to cultivating relationships and addressing the needs of a particular organization, deepening the experience over time.
  • Universality - the extent to which all or most members of the team participate and actively engage.
  • Longevity - the extent to which the team culture embraces and sustains a commitment to community engagement  as a team over time, year after year.

Levels of Recognition: the recognition levels encourage teams to sustain and deepen their culture of service over time. Recognition levels consist of the following::

Gold Medal Teams: Varsity Teams who have a demonstrated record of engaging in community service as a team, who have established a deep and ongoing relationship with an organization and have committed over time to engagement with that group, who have been doing service as part of the team culture over an extended period of time, and can demonstrate coach buy-in and individual team member commitment. 

Silver Medal Teams: Varsity Teams who have participated in service as a team and may also have individual members who have participated in service apart from their team. They have shown significant commitment to building relationships with the people they serve and have incorporated meaningful reflection into their post-service experiences.

Bronze Medal Teams: Varsity Teams who can successfully demonstrate that most members have participated in service as a team, and who also have individual members who have participated in service apart from their team.

The Team Awardees are selected by an Award Committee consisting of the Director of Athletics, the Assistant Director of Athletics, the Director of the Center for Service and Social Action, the team Chaplain, the Faculty Representative to OAC and NCAA, and the current president of the Student-Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC). The winning teams will be announced at the end of April and will receive a Team trophy and their name on two perpetual plaques – one to be displayed in the CSSA office and one in the Athletics hallway.

Applications open:  March 27

Applications close: April 15

Four simple steps to apply

  1. Download the Service Log - and have team members submit their service activities.  
  2. Prepare a team essay - see details under Award Criteria below
  3. Submit a Team Photo  - preferably one of the team  engaged in the community
  4. Submit your application and upload required documents here by April 15. Apply here 

Varsity Teams - see the Award Criteria and Guidelines Below