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There are so many exciting options for weekly or one-time service, choosing just one can be overwhelming!

Here are some questions to ask yourself when making a commitment to weekly service:

  • Am I doing service for a course? If so, what is my professor’s requirement? If not, why am I interested in doing service?
  • What issues/causes interest me? Hunger, homelessness, education, etc.
  • What population do I want to work with? Children, senior citizens, persons with developmental disabilities, etc.
  • Do any service sites or activities relate to my career goals?
  • What is my availability? Don’t forget to account for the travel time required to get to and from service!

One-time service opportunities are less of a commitment but can still be wonderful ways to engage with a new population, meet others with similar interests, and provide a needed service to the community.

Choose carefully and you will be able to learn, thrive, and be of service to others!

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Student offering service to elderly.

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