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Our department has very successful and engaged alumni who give back to the department in many ways. Our students benefit from many tremendous endowed scholarships which are listed below. Please contact Naveed Piracha, physics department chair, for more information on these scholarships and how to apply.

Lawrence J. Monville, S.J., Scholarship  ($2,000/year $3,500/year) – incoming freshmen with high academic achievement are eligible; together with the Hodous Scholarship, this helps to support 10-15 students per year

Monville Scholarships for incoming students, click here to apply. 

Edward J. Hodous, S.J., Scholarship (at least $2,000/year) – current students with high academic achievement are eligible; together with the Monville Scholarship, this helps to support 10-15 students per year.

Xavier-Nichols Scholarship (currently $5,000/year)– supports a female student majoring in our department each year.

Nolan Scholarship ( at least $3,000/year) – supports a high achieving student with demonstrated financial need each year.

Dardy Scholarship (currently $5,000/year) – supports two high achieving STEM students per year, with preference given to physics majors.

Departmental Awards