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Study Abroad Policy

Policy Statement Preface

Students must be in good academic, disciplinary, and financial standing in order for their applications for study abroad to be approved. To maintain approval, students must continue to meet all of the following standards at the conclusion of the semester that leads into the starting date of their study abroad program.

To be eligible for study abroad, students must meet John Carroll University requirements and also any program-specific requirements. For example, some programs may have a higher GPA requirement, or require that participants have a certain major, etc.

Earning Academic Credit for Study Abroad

Academic credit for courses completed abroad will only be awarded to students who have applied and been accepted to study abroad through the Center for Global Education. Once applicants have been accepted to study abroad, they must secure approval for all study abroad courses before they begin their study abroad program, through the regular online academic petition process.


 In order to be accepted for study abroad, a student must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 and a minimum GPA of 2.5 during the semester leading up to study abroad. (Please note that some programs may have a higher minimum GPA requirement.) If the GPA of a student who has been approved to study abroad falls below 2.5 for the semester leading up to study abroad, permission to participate in the study abroad program will be reconsidered, even if travel and other arrangements have been made.

Full-time Standing

JCU-approved study abroad and exchange programs require participants to maintain full-time standing (at least 12 credits and up to 18 credits) while on their programs. Similarly, JCU expects students applying for study abroad through the Center for Global Education to demonstrate that they have consistently been able to carry at least a 12-credit course load in the two semesters leading up to the study abroad program.


Students who are assigned an Incomplete in the term prior to their study abroad semester will be re-evaluated for eligibility to study abroad.

Appeals Process

Students who wish to appeal a denied study abroad application must first contact the Center for Global Education and request an appeal. Following the receipt of the request, the Center will review the appeal, contacting other departments for information as appropriate. After the review is completed, the Center and student will meet to discuss the results and final decision.

Make an appointment or apply

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