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What math classes do I need to take?

Every John Carroll Student is required to complete one Division IV Mathematics (MT) course as part of the University Core Curriculum requirements. Math courses that satisfy the core requirement are indicated by a “IV” in the Div/Req column in the Schedule of Classes.

Some majors have particular math course requirements.

Regardless of their major, students should consult with their advisors and the Undergraduate Bulletin before registering for any mathematics course. For those students taking Calculus, the sequence MT 133 – MT 134 can be used to replace a requirement of MT 135.

Students majoring in programs that do not require a specific mathematics class may choose from MT 118 (Applied Mathematics), MT 122 (Elementary Statistics I), MT 135 (Calculus), MT 160 (Mathematics and Creativity), MT 162 (Mathematics from Nonwestern Cultures), and MT 130 (Applied Calculus)

If you plan to do this

You must take these math courses

When you should take your first math class

Major in Biology, Cell and Molecular Biology,or Environmental Science

MT 135 (Calculus) and MT 228 (Biostatistics)

PreMed: First semester, Freshman year; Others: By first semester sophomore year

Major in Business(Accountancy, Business Information Systems, Business Logistics, Economics, Finance, Management, Marketing)

MT 130 (Applied Calculus) or MT 135 (Calculus). Students who have a strong background in mathematics, or who plan to attend graduate programs in Economics or Finance, are strongly encouraged to take Calculus.

Freshman year

Minor in Business

MT 122 (Elementary Statistics I)

Freshman or Sophomore year

Major in Chemistry or Biochemistry;
Minor in Chemistry

MT 135 (Calculus) and additional courses. See the Department of Chemistry undergraduate programs pages for more information.

First semester, Freshman year

Major or minor in Computer Science or Computer Information Systems

MT 118 (Applied Mathematics) or MT 135 (Calculus)

Freshman year

Major in Early Childhood Education

MT 160 (Mathematics and Creativity) or MT 200 (Explorations in Mathematics); and MT 171/171L (Foundations of Early Childhood Mathematics)

Freshman or sophomore year

Major in Mathematics or Teaching Mathematics;
Minor in Mathematics;Minor in Statistics

MT 135 (Calculus) and/or MT 200 (Explorations in Mathematics). See the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science undergraduate programs pages for more information.

First semester, Freshman year

Major in Middle Childhood Education with Mathematics Curriculum Content

MT 160 (Mathematics and Creativity) or MT 200 (Explorations in Mathematics); MT 135 (Calculus), and additional courses. See the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science undergraduate programs pages for more information.

First semester, Freshman year

Major in Physics, Engineering Physics, or Interdisciplinary Physics
Minor in Physics and Engineering Physics

MT 135 (Calculus) and additional courses. See the Department of Physics degree programs pagefor more information.

First semester, Freshman year

Major or minor in Psychology

MT 122, MT 223 (Elementary Statistics and intermediate Statistics)

Freshman or Sophomore year

Major in Sociology

MT 122 (Elementary Statistics I)

Freshman or Sophomore year