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Application Deadlines:

  • September 30 (For travel from October 1 to March 30)
  • March 31 (For travel from April 1 to September 29)

Application Requirements:

  • Proof of acceptance to present at an academic or professional conference
    • i.e. an email or letter of acceptance from the conference sponsor
  • Preliminary travel budget
    • The budget should include expected travel and hotel costs, as well as conference registration and poster printing costs, but not food. 
  • Must complete application form BEFORE conference takes place


Funds are limited and will be awarded based on a distribution of students in different programs, so although we encourage you to apply earlier in the application period if you can, the applications will remain open for the full period, and simply applying on the first day of the application period will not guarantee funding. Late applications will not be considered. To be eligible, the conference must occur prior to degree conferral and applicants must be in good academic standing.