Chelsea McTigue is the owner of Handmade by Chelsea, a home bakery located in Cleveland Heights, that specializes in decorated sugar cookies. Born in 2016, the core tenants of the business are a reflection of Chelsea's personal ethics of treating every individual with kindness and dignity, listening to others and working to make a positive impact on our community. Oftentimes, holiday and special order pre-sales include a donation to a Cleveland non-profit organization. She has created cookies for numerous high profile clients, corporations and non-profit organizations.
Chelsea is also a member of the team in the Office of Alumni Relations and has expertise in event management, social media and communications strategy. When she's not at an event or in the kitchen, she is likely on a run or hike somewhere in Cleveland with her two dogs. Chelsea is a self-professed storytelling addict, whether in a podcast, book, film or tv. She and her husband, both members of the JCU class of 2014, enjoy exploring new restaurants and ice cream shops in their community. They also love traveling the world together and are always in search of their next adventure.