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HeroHQ is a work order tracking system for reporting issues relating to Facilities, Capital Projects, Turfscape (landscaping and outside services), and ABM (housekeeping services).

To enter a work order, click here.

To watch a training video on how to use HeroHQ, click here.

If you are trying to connect to a wifi network, the instructions are here, other IT related issues should submit a ticket through the ITS helpdesk at

NOTE:  Facilities staff will only enter a resident hall room or student living space after 10am to perform maintenance work unless it is an emergency or with resident approval.

We appreciate calls when there is an emergency; however, we still need a work order placed in order to keep record of the issue and the follow up efficiently.

Facilities Office

The Facilities Office is located in Room 07 on the lower level of the Lombardo Student Center.
