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The U.S. Department of Education has awarded an Undergraduate International Studies and Foreign Language Program (UISFL) grant to the John M. and Mary Jo Boler School of Business at John Carroll University. The University is one of only 31 institutions nationwide to receive this award, which is part of a $2.9 million fund. The $82,000 grant represents the first year of an expected two-year commitment that will provide funds for faculty and course development, and expand the number of internships related to JCU’s International Business with Language and Culture (IBLC) program. “This grant is the result of the hard work of our faculty, who are committed to developing socially responsible leaders with a global mindset,” said Karen Schuele, Ph.D., Dean of the Boler School. Dr. Schuele emphasized, “This grant will ensure that John Carroll students have opportunities for meaningful internship experiences while studying abroad so that they will have the skills, knowledge, and experience necessary to succeed in a global economy.”  John Carroll University is contributing $76,000 in matching funds to the project this year, representing a 92% match with federal funds. The central focus of the IBLC major is problem solving in an international context.  Offered at John Carroll since 2010, the IBLC major integrates the study of international business with advanced skills in language and culture, as well as overseas and domestic internship experiences. The U.S. Department of Education’s UISFL Program provides funds to plan, develop, and carry out programs to strengthen and improve undergraduate instruction in international studies and foreign languages.  Grant funds will assist in developing additional international internship experiences for John Carroll’s IBLC students and expanding the inclusion of business language in foreign language instruction and international perspectives in business courses.