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John Carroll Chosen To Participate in National Project on

General Education for a Global Century


As One of Thirty-Two Participating Institutions, JCU Will Revise General Education Courses to Better Prepare Today’s Students for Global Challenges and  Socially Responsible Citizenship


University Heights, OH — John Carroll University is among thirty-two colleges and universities recently selected by The Association of American Colleges and Universities to participate in General Education for a Global Century, a curriculum and faculty development project that is part of AAC&U’s Shared Futures initiative and is funded by the Henry Luce Foundation.  Participants were chosen from all regions of the country in a competitive process, in which more than 140 public and private institutions applied.

“This opportunity builds upon John Carroll’s experience with globally engaged education and we are extremely pleased to participate in this initiative,” said John Carroll University President Robert L. Niehoff, S.J.   “The guiding principles of the project will be well served in our new academic programs —International Business with Language and Culture (IBLC); Peace, Justice, and Human Rights (PJHR); and East Asian Studies (EAS).”

This new project seeks to build the capacity of colleges and universities to prepare today’s college students to grapple with big global challenges and thrive in a globalized economy as socially responsible and engaged citizens and workers. In concert with a Global Learning Leadership Council, John Carroll will help lead a high profile, national effort to:

-          articulate essential global learning outcomes for all students;

-          refine and disseminate models of global general education curricula that can be adapted across all institutional types;

-          provide faculty development opportunities to assist college faculty in designing and teaching interdisciplinary, integrative courses that focus on real-world global issues; and

-          develop rubrics to assess global learning outcomes.


Institutional teams will spend the fall and winter on their home campuses refining general education reform strategies, incorporating opportunities for global learning that already exist on their campuses. Working through a social networking website, team members will help identify common areas of interest and concern. Those critical issues will be addressed in the project’s central activity—an intensive summer institute in 2011.


For additional information about the initiative, see:


About AAC&U

AAC&U is the leading national association concerned with the quality, vitality, and public standing of undergraduate liberal education. Its members are committed to extending the advantages of a liberal education to all students, regardless of academic specialization or intended career. Founded in 1915, AAC&U now comprises 1,200 member institutions—including accredited public and private colleges and universities of every type and size. John Carroll University, founded in 1886 as Saint Ignatius College, is located in University Heights, Ohio, in suburban Cleveland. The University was renamed in 1923 to honor America’s first Catholic Bishop, John Carroll of Maryland. Its Jesuit Catholic mission inspires individuals to excel in learning, leadership, and service in the region and the world.  John Carroll University is recognized nationally for an exceptional four-year graduation rate, teaching excellence, and a commitment to living a faith that does justice as central to its mission. John Carroll is one of 28 Jesuit colleges and universities in the United States.