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The Ohio Campus Compact has honored John Carroll University student Kyle Hutnick ’13 with the 2013 Charles J. Ping Student Service Award. Hutnick is one of two students in the state to receive this year’s award, which recognizes outstanding leadership and contributions to community service and service learning. Hutnick serves as student coordinator for Project Citizen, a program in which JCU students work alongside 10th-grade students in Cleveland and East Cleveland to research and prepare a proposed policy change on an issue affecting their community. He helped to recruit tutors, develop curriculum, and lead lessons. Project Citizen is part of the We the People Service-Learning Program coordinated by JCU’s Center for Service and Social Action. “From the start, Kyle was deeply committed to the high-school students for whom the program was designed, his enthusiasm for the work only grew as his responsibilities increased,” said Fr. Robert L. Niehoff, S.J., president of John Carroll University, in a news release announcing the award. “Because of his dedication and commitment to service, Kyle has earned the respect of his peers, the Center for Service and Social Action staff, those for whom and with whom he serves, and his university president.  His generosity of time and energy in modeling what it means to be a ‘man for others’ is genuinely in the truest Jesuit tradition.” Hutnick is a sociology and criminology major and political science minor from Akron, Ohio. He plans to study public policy in law school after he graduates in May. JCU students have received the Charles J. Ping Student Service Award for three consecutive years. James Haitz ’12 and Catherine Distelrath ’12 were honored in 2012 and 2011, respectively. Ohio Campus Compact is a statewide non-profit coalition of 47 college and university presidents and their campuses working to promote and develop the civic purposes of higher education. Visit for more information.