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The John Carroll University Office of Residence Life’s Welcoming Statement reads as follows:

We believe in the uniqueness of each individual and therefore welcome all students in the residence life community without regard to race, ethnicity, culture, gender, ability, privilege, sexual orientation, political ideology, religious affiliation, or citizenship.

We hope to foster an environment where students feel empowered to examine their beliefs, attitudes, and actions toward all people. We will encourage students to challenge stereotypes by increasing their knowledge base, widening their experiences, and engaging in meaningful dialogue about differences. In so doing, we hope that fear and ignorance are reduced and that acceptance and celebration are easily recognizable.

We will reach out to students who may feel unwelcome, unseen, or unheard. We will examine department policies and practices to ensure inclusion. We will encourage students who feel marginalized to find their voice through involvement in the campus community as leaders.

We expect all individuals to be treated with the dignity and respect their humanness demands. We will accept nothing less.

Please write a reflection considering the Welcoming Statement above.

  • What parts of the Welcoming Statement stuck out to you? Why?
  • How has your behavior in the residence halls throughout this year supported the Welcoming Statement?
  • How has your behavior opposed the values and beliefs outlined in the Welcoming Statement? Consider the effects of your actions on others in the community. Who might have been affected by your actions? How would you feel if the roles were reversed?
  • What are some specific, concrete and realistic steps you can take to ensure your behavior makes positive contributions to your residence hall community the rest of this year?

Your reflection should be at least 750 words.

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    You can find your hearing officer's name at the bottom of the email with your hearing results.
    Your hearing officer's email is located near the bottom of the email you received detailing the results of your hearing. If you have questions about where to find your hearing officer's email, please call the Dean's Office at 216.397.3010.
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