- Monday, March 7 to Friday, March 18: Volunteer/Nomination Period - Click here to volunteer and/or nominate someone to run for Staff Council.
- Monday, March 21 to Friday, March 25: Accept/Decline Nomination and Submit Bios and Photos
- Wednesday, March 30: Candidates Posted on Staff Council website and emailed to staff
- Friday, April 1 at 2 to 3 pm: Tea/Coffee Candidate Meet and Greet (virtual)
- Tuesday, April 5 to Thursday, April 7: Elections for Chair Elect and Vice Chair positions - ballots will be sent to all staff via email
- Monday, April 11: New Chair Elect and Vice Chairs announced
- Tuesday, April 11 to Wednesday, April 13: Elections for Members-at-Large - ballots will be sent to all staff via email
- Monday, April 18: New Members-at-Large announced
All open position terms are two years, starting 6/1/2022 and ending 5/31/2024 with the exception of:
- Chair Elect: 1 year term of 6/1/2022-5/31/2023
Executive Committee Members (3 Open Positions)
- Chair Elect – Duties: 1. Fulfill any unexpired term if vacated by the Chair. 2. Represent the Staff Council on the University Committee on Collaborative Governance and other designated university committees. 3. Lead meetings in absence of the chair. 4. Coordinate focus groups and electronic assessment instruments as needed for the Staff Council or other committees. 5. Compile Staff Council reports for all Staff Council appointed representatives for university committees. 6. Build and maintain the files regarding the Communications and Assessment Committee. 7. Collect Year-End Reports for each Staff Council officer/committee. The current Interim Chair Elect is Brian Hurd.
- Vice Chair of Mission and Advocacy – Duties: 1. Promote Mission Leave opportunities for staff. 2. Promote spiritual development opportunities for staff. 3. Liaise with Human Resources regarding matters pertaining to the staff. 4. Build and maintain the files regarding the Mission and Advocacy Committee. 5. Submit Year-End Committee Report. The current interim Vice Chair of Mission & Advocacy is Taine Dallas.
- Vice Chair of Recognition – Duties: 1. Promote and recognize staff contributions in supporting and fulfilling JCU’s values and successes in collaboration with Human Resources. 2. Serve as a resource to the University community in the recognition of staff. 3. Build and maintain the files regarding the Recognition Committee. 4. Submit Year-End Committee Report. The current Vice Chair of Recognition is Selen Zarrelli.
At-Large Members
- (5 Open Positions) – Duties of At-Large Members: 1. Attend all Staff Council Meetings. 2. Serve on at least one standing committee for the duration of their term.
- The current At-Large Members are: Tina Lindberg, John Mack, Allison Goldhammer, Matt Clark, Brian Hurd, Shauna Payne, Heather Craigie, Toni Halter, Brad Stumpp, Melissa Wenzler, Christine Horwath, Erica Kennedy, and Jessica Quittenton.
The 2 underlined staff members have terms ending on 5/31/2022 plus there are 3 vacancies.
Click here to volunteer and/or nominate someone to run for Staff Council!
Volunteer and/or nominate someone to run for Staff Council!
"Serving as Chair during this time has connected me with so many Staff colleagues across the institution, it has allowed the opportunity to have deeper conversations to learn the stories of so many, and I have been blessed to grow in this role. The Chair has the privilege of working with the Executive Committee of the Staff Council to represent the greater Staff community; to advocate for staff across the campus; to elevate lessons we learn from listening to staff; and to guide the efforts of the full council. It has been a great honor to serve in this role and I have tremendous gratitude for all of our Staff Council Members who make this work together a joyful experience.” - Brendan Dolan, Chair
“I have enjoyed serving as the Vice Chair of CBN because it has been fun to work with my committee to bring creative events to the staff in order to build a positive community. I'm proud of the dedication of my committee to continue to think outside the box to meet the changing needs of staff in this crazy time. I have also loved getting to know the folks on the exec board better and creating positive relationships with people across campus that I might not have gotten to know otherwise. It has been a blast seeing staff members happy and connecting with other colleagues at events, even virtually!” - Lisa Ramsey, Vice Chair for Community Building and Networking
“Staff Council for me has helped me find community. It was a great way not only to learn and develop my leadership skills but to get myself involved in the community. We have an amazing community here at JCU!” - Melanie Moss, Vice Chair for Mission and Advocacy
“Joining Staff Council represents the opportunity to make our presence and our viewpoints more visible to many corners of our campus, as well as allowing us to participate in and contribute to key developments and decisions. My membership on Staff Council has led to so many opportunities, and I am proud to have the chance to speak on behalf of staff members, as well as working toward enhancing our experiences on campus. I've also been able to meet and cultivate working and friendly relationships with so many other staff members in all areas of campus, which is a bonus!”
- Maria Soriano Young, Interim Chair Elect
I am very fortunate to have had the opportunity to thank my colleagues for all they've done for the University. They will never hear it often enough, or be recognized as thoroughly as they should be, but it was enjoyable to start that work!” -Ed Mish, Vice Chair for Recognition
“Staff Council gives us a streamlined way for our voice to be heard. That's invaluable at a higher education institution. I am privileged to be on a committee that cares about order and responsibility. It feels good knowing what we discuss makes a difference.” - Adam Parliman, Member-at-Large
Please note: If you are nominated and accept your nomination, there will be a virtual Tea Tuesday/Candidate Meet and Greet on March 30 at 2 pm featuring 30 second elevator speeches from each candidate. We hope to (virtually!) see you there!
Vice Chair of Mission and Advocacy
Melissa Wenzler:
A two-time JCU alumna, I have been on staff in the Enrollment office since August 2018. I love working at a place that has given me so much in my life and continues to inspire me to be a curious and engaged learner. As a member of Staff Council, I want to continue to use my talents and strengths to ensure all staff members feel included and energized by the important work we do. It is an honor and a privilege to serve and I am grateful for your vote.

Andre Calabretta:
I have been working at John Carroll University in the Advancement department for nearly 9 years, and currently serve as a Senior Director of Major Gifts. I enjoy meeting and connecting our Alumni back to JCU. It is good to see the impact that JCU has had on so many of our students who are now Alumni, who give back to help others have the same experience. I can relate to the impact of our educational offerings by having graduated in the 1st cohort of our Masters in Non-Profit Administration Program in 2008, it was a great experience for me. Part of my hope for the Mission and Advocacy role is to build upon, and develop additional ways for staff to experience the importance of our mission thru the lens of faith.
Chair Elect

Brian Hurd:
I was fortunate to have been part of the re-formation of Staff Council in 2014, and I served as Vice Chair of the Mission and Advocacy Committee at that time. I was proud to work with a wonderful group of volunteers in gaining representation on University committees, and providing programs, advocacy and community building for JCU staff. As Chair Elect, I wish to continue this work, and maintain the Staff Council as a thoughtful and constructive voice for present times, and future needs
At-Large Member

Elizabeth Cross:
Hello! I have been part of the JCU community as a student (in another century!) an alum, and since August 2021, a full-time admin assistant in Student Accessibility Services. My roots at John Carroll go back a few generations, so to be back on this campus feels like home to me. It also comes with the added bonus of engaging with our students on a daily basis. In the short time I’ve been back here, I have thoroughly enjoyed meeting and developing collegial relationships with other staff across campus. I consider my nomination for an at-large position on Staff Council an honor, and would look forward to serve in an official capacity to help foster a real sense of belonging and camaraderie among members of our community.

Samantha Ellis:
Hello! My name is Samantha Ellis (she/her) and I serve as the Coordinator of Residential Education within the Office of Residence Life. I began working at JCU in July 2021, and I have enjoyed establishing interpersonal relationships with students, staff, and faculty. I am excited to accept the nomination for a Staff Council At-Large Member and look forward to the potential opportunity to connect with the JCU staff community in a different capacity. I am interested in further developing inter-departmental relationships by serving on a committee and I would be greatly excited to provide resources and advocacy for our collective community!
Christine Horwath:
My name is Christine Horwath (she/her/hers). I started with JCU in September as an Administrative Assistant for the Math, Computer, & Data Science and Physics Departments, but John Carroll has been a big part of my life since I was 4 years old. I am an Alum ('88), and both of my parents worked here. I have been so happy to be back on campus, and have been thrilled to jump in with both feet to get involved and be able to take advantage of the many opportunities available. I am a Title IX officer, and I have enjoyed taking part in events, trainings, and book groups, and I am currently participating in this semester's Companions in Mission Cohort. JCU is such a special place, and I am honored to be nominated. I feel that Staff Council is an integral part of our university, and I would love the opportunity to serve & engage with my fellow staff members, to help continue to build on our community, and to extend to others the sense of welcome that Staff Council has given to me.

Christina Perez:
My name is Christina Perez (she/her/hers), I am an Administrative Assistant in the Dean of Students Office. I am also an alumni of John Carroll University. I received my undergraduate degree in Theology & Religious Studies and Sociology & Criminology in 2017 and my M.A. in Theology & Religious Studies in 2020. I am excited to have the opportunity to run for Staff Council as a new staff member. As an alumni and a staff member, I care about the John Carroll Community. I am excited to see the new directions that the University is heading and to be a small part of continuing the mission of John Carroll.

Marissa Mozden:
Hello! My name is Marissa Mozden. I have served as the Legal Assistant in JCU's Office of Legal Affairs since September 2020, and am honored to have been nominated for the Staff Council Member At-Large position. I take pride in being highly efficient, organized, and resourceful, and always strive to perform at the highest possible level. When I say I will get something done, I mean it! Additionally, I genuinely care about others, and enjoy helping my colleagues to the fullest extent feasible. I believe that my positive attitude, outstanding work ethic, and collective professional abilities and experience will allow me to effectively participate as a member of Staff Council. Thank you for your consideration. I sincerely appreciate the opportunity to serve my colleagues and the JCU community as a whole!

Melinda Hilton:
My name is Melinda Hilton, and I am the Enrollment Visits and Events Manager here at JCU. Since joining the JCU team in early December, I have met so many outstanding and passionate faculty, staff, and students. I'm excited about the possibility of being part of a group that brings like-minded people together to uphold JCU's mission and values and to advocate for a strong staff community. I believe that being a part of Staff Council will help me plan and implement effective events that bring together people from across campus and showcase everything JCU has to offer.
On behalf of Staff Council and the Membership, Governance, and Finance Committee, thank you to all of our candidates and to all who participated in the elections! We are so excited to welcome the following new members to Staff Council:
Executive Members:
Chair-Elect: Brian Hurd
Vice Chair, Mission & Advocacy: Melissa Wenzler
At-Large Members:
Communication: Samantha Ellis
Mission & Advocacy: Tanner Barton
Recognition: Andre Calabretta
Recognition: Christina Perez
Membership, Governance, and Finance: Marissa Mozden
Community Building and Networking: Melinda Hilton
Mission & Advocacy: Elizabeth Cross
Contact Staff Council
Connect with JCU Staff Council and provide your feedback.