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Catherine Rosemary, Ph.D., Education and Allied Studies professor, received a $927,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Education through the Ohio Department of Education for Reading First Ohio, a statewide program to improve teacher quality. The award will fund the sixth year of the Reading First Ohio, which targets struggling school districts. In addition, Dr. Rosemary and Kathleen Roskos. Ph.D., co-principal investigator, were also awarded a second grant, for $236,000 by the Ohio Department of Education, to fund the Literacy Educator Training Consortium. Jeffrey Johansen, Ph.D., Chair of the Department of Biology, received a $400,000 award from the National Science Foundation. The funding is part of a new multiyear grant for study of the biodiversity of the terrestrial cyanobacteria in Chile’s Atacama Desert. The grant willsupport Dr. Johansen’s research, as well as his continuing international project collaborations. Sherri Crahen, Ph.D., Dean of Students, received a $300,000 award from the U.S. Department of Justice’s Office on Violence Against Women. The grant will fund a two-year project to develop and strengthen programs that address issues of violence against women. Dean Crahen will work in collaboration with local agencies and police departments. Additionally, funds will be used to create a campus "Resource Center on Violence Against Women” in the University Counseling Center. The Resource Center will implement comprehensive and ongoing free education about violence against women.