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UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS, Ohio - For some of the students in Mona DeBaz's International Relations class at John Carroll University,  President Barack Obama's Tuesday speech on Syria didn't go far enough. "I still think he left a lot of unanswered questions," one student said. The class watched the speech for extra credit then talked about it Wednesday morning.  Some gave the president a "B" for his handling of the situation, so far. "I want to be optimistic about it that we can get rid of their chemical weapons," freshman Kelsie Doran said. But although diplomacy is now taking center stage, others believe a military strike is still possible. "I think diplomacy has passed," senior David Billiter said. "I think we are going in, but I really don't want to." The UN Security Council convened Wednesday to talk about next steps now that Syria says it will turn over its chemical weapons to be destroyed.  Mona DeBaz, an expert in Middle East affairs, said the UN could come up with a resolution authorizing force if Syria's president doesn't comply. "International consensus really has to play an important role in resolving the conflict in Syria," she said.  "We cannot sit by and see this human tragedy unfolding day after day after day.