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M.A. in Theology & Religious Studies

Theological Education

Built for High School Teachers

JCU's M.A. with a Concentration in Theological Education offers classes designed around the U.S. Catholic Bishops' high school curriculum framework. Teachers and prospective teachers deepen their knowledge of the Catholic tradition and learn pedagogical strategies that are effective with today's students.

Earn Your Certification

Already have your master's, but looking to learn more? Our Certificate option includes five core courses that, together, meet the academic requirements for high school religion certification in the Diocese of Cleveland.


The 30-credit-hour master's degree can be completed on campus or completely online.

More information regarding the total cost of attendance can be found here.

Keep the Faith. Better yet, pass it on.

Program Highlights

The JCU Concentration in Theological Education is designed to provide both theological grounding and practical guidance for navigating the high school classroom. Courses cover the core areas of the curriculum, with assignments geared toward application.100% of those completing the program are placed in teaching positions.

The Department of Theology & Religious Studies offers a remarkable breadth of faculty expertise, with notable scholars of the Bible and early Christianity, Judaism and rabbinics, Islamic Studies, contemporary Catholic theology, moral theology, and the sociology of religion.

Meet our Faculty

Teaching Theology (TRS 5880) is a two-week summer course that focuses on such topics as evangelization and education, the vocation of the theology teacher, the developmental needs of adolescents and young adults, diversity in the classroom, and concrete pedagogical strategies. In-person and online options available.

Every year John Carroll University hosts a day-long workshop for high school theology teachers called Theology for Teachers. Click here for more information and resources.  

Course Descriptions

For a list of upcoming graduate courses and course descriptions, click here or visit the JCU Bulletin.

Woman sitting Theology for Teachers Workshop

T4T Workshop

THEOLOGY FOR TEACHERS is an annual workshop for high school teachers and campus ministers hosted by John Carroll University.