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Online Master of Science (M.S.) in Digital Marketing & Communication Strategy

Accelerate Your Marketing Future

Master digital marketing by learning to make data-driven and ethical decisions.

The John Carroll University Online Master of Science in Digital Marketing & Communication Strategy takes an interdisciplinary approach and combines course work from communication and business to give students an integrated grasp of marketing, communication, public relations and advertising. Students draw from the best practices and theories of each field as they examine concepts such as marketing analytics, social media, digital advertising and content marketing.

The program sharpens essential digital tools — search engine optimization, audience research — and positions you to lead teams with a firm grasp of business strategy.

Online Master of Science in Digital Marketing & Communication Strategy

As digital devices (phones, watches, glasses, VR/AR) connect to more data and experiences, the role of the digital marketer and communicator has become mission critical for brands.

Boler College of Business + Tim Russert Department of Communication

Whether you’re an established marketing and communications professional, or looking to transition into this fast emerging field, John Carroll University's fully online Master of Science in Digital Marketing & Communication Strategy offers the convenience of a fully online graduate program and the academic strength of combined JCU faculty: one from the Tim Russert Department of Communication and another from the Boler College of Business.

Program Highlights

  • 100% Online
  • No GRE/GMAT required
  • Tim Russert Department of Communication
  • Boler College of Business
  • Certificates + Capstone

Three Stackable Certificates. One Online Masters Degree.

Jump in immediately and earn any one of three stackable (9-credit) certificates in:

  • Digital Marketing Analytics,
  • Content Marketing, and
  • Digital Advertising and Social Media Marketing

Take any one certificate or in any combination. Follow this link for more information about each certificate.

The three certificates can culminate in a Master’s degree by completing a one semester, integrative capstone project that deepens your understanding of Integrated Marketing Communication.

Why Digital Marketing & Communication Strategy at JCU?

The Master of Science in Digital Marketing & Communication Strategy program is 100% online. Your courses and materials can be accessed anywhere at any time through our online platform. Balance work/life/learning alongside industry peers. Accelerate or temper the pace of your learning to fit your situation and schedule.

Learn alongside industry peers from Fortune 500 and start-up companies; large agencies and boutique firms. Tap into active JCU communication and business alumni work across traditional and new media in major markets (Chicago, New York, Philadelphia, Atlanta) and regional business centers (Charlotte, Tampa, Pittsburgh, Phoenix).

Hone your digital marketing and communication strategy skills across the fields of marketing, communication, public relations and advertising. Students draw from the best practices and theories of each field as they learn to build sustainable relationships between brands and consumers while adding value to customer’s lives.

The Master of Science in Digital Marketing & Communication Strategy provides broad understanding of digital marketing and communication strategy in business, politics and culture, along with industry specific skills:

  • Strategic marketing and communications skills — including methodologies for data collection and analysis — that inform daily campaign best practices and long-range digital strategies.
  • Grasp of customer acquisition, experience, and retention strategies and the role of digital channels in an organization’s larger revenue strategy.
  • Technical, artistic, analytical, and production skills required to create engaging content and leverage technologies.
  • Management and relational skills required for digital marketing and communication strategy across diverse audiences and teams.

Jesuit-inspired values that enable digital marketing professionals to make data-driven and ethical decisions.

Your Steps to Success

A 2019 report from the Economist Group and Digital Marketing Institute finds that 74% of marketing organizations face a critical talent shortage due to a lack of digital skills that will be needed to meet ongoing customer demands. This talent gap includes digital experiences, marketing experiences as well as soft skills.

HR surveys show that employers reward momentum over pedigree. Promotions and raises go to employees who can demonstrate a grasp of new knowledge and create short-term and long-term value. By translating what you learn in an online digital marketing masters into what you produce on the job allows supervisors to see you in a whole new light and reward your growth.

JCU faculty and advisors work closely with online digital marketing masters students to align the goals of your final semester capstone project with the needs and expectations of your existing employer and job. If you are a career switcher, JCU will help you to identify a corporate or community partner looking for help with a live digital marketing and communication project.

The online digital marketing masters program format allows you to keep earning now, and earn far more later. Master’s degree holders (age 25–34) earn double that of those without a college degree. (Source: U.S. Department of Commerce)

Digital Marketing Logos

Our Alumni Work and Live Here

John Carroll graduates who pursue digital marketing and communication careers thrive in marketing, communication, public relations and advertising across Ohio and nationally. John Carroll graduates also pursue digital marketing careers with large finance, media, professional service, healthcare and manufacturing firms across dozens of regional, national and global economic capitals.


Digital Marketing & Communication Alumni Across The Region

JCU Digital Marketing & Communication alumni serve corporations and agencies across Ohio: from larger metros Columbus, Cleveland, Cincinnati to regional centers of employment such as Akron, Canton, Dayton, Parma, Toledo and Youngstown.
