General Request Forms:
- Camps and Conference Request Form (JCU is full for Summer 2025)
- Common Area Room Request
- Residence Life Moving Bin Reservation
Residence Life Policies
Inspired by our institution’s Jesuit identity, the Office of Residence Life at John Carroll University creates inclusive living-learning environments. We educate students to embrace their identities as engaged learners, develop meaningful relationships, and appreciate community.
Although the University has set standards of behavior for all students, some additional guidelines are necessary for those who live in university-sponsored housing. For questions or comments, please contact the Office of Residence Life at 216.397.4408 or
Please click below to view our policies:
Please click the link to view the entire Vandalism Response Protocol, including Frequently Asked Questions:
Examples of Postings after Vandalism Occurs, posted at site of incident:
In the following buildings with drywall, residents may ONLY USE small finishing nails, push pins, or picture hooks (up to 20 lbs. size) to hang items on walls. There is a limit of 6 small holes per resident per bedroom, In suites in both Murphy and Bernet, there may be 6 small holes per resident in each bedroom and no more than 6 small holes TOTAL in the common room. There should be no holes in bathrooms. Screws, glue, "3M Command" or other adhesives are NOT permitted, in order to avoid wall damage.
- Bernet Hall
- Murphy Hall
- JCU Duplexes, Houses, & Apartments
In the following buildings with concrete block walls, residents may ONLY USE 3M Command Strips or Blue Painters Tape to hang items on walls. Carefully follow product instructions for removal to avoid repair charges. Screws, nails, glue, or other adhesives are NOT permitted, in order to avoid wall damage.
- Campion Hall
- Dolan Hall*
- Hamlin Hall
- Pacelli Hall*
- Sutowski Hall
*Dolan and Pacelli Halls have a combination of drywall and concrete block walls. We request residents use ONLY 3M Command Strips or Blue Painters Tape on concrete block walls and small finishing nails on drywall areas.
**At the end of the academic year, Facilities staff will determine areas to patch and paint as necessary. Should the number of holes exceed the allotted amount, the Office of Residence Life will evaluate damage billing as determined beyond normal wear and tear and/or an excessive number of holes.
To view our Room Change Policy, click here.
To request a Roommate Mediation/Room Change, please fill out our Roommate Mediation and Room Change Request Form at the top of this webpage.
Alcoholic Beverages
Please review the full policy here.
Here are a few points of emphasis for residence hall living:
- Underage students may not consume or possess alcohol.
- Underage students may not be in the presence of alcohol. Exception: If an underage resident has a roommate who is over the age of 21, the of-age resident may drink in their room, with the door shut, in the presence of the underage student. No other students besides the roommate(s) may be present or drinking.
- Underage students may possess shot glasses for decorative purposes only. Any evidence that shot glasses have been used (liquid inside, sticky residue) will be documented as a policy violation.
- Students age 21 and over may not be intoxicated.
- Students age 21 and over may not have an open container in residence hall common spaces.
Athletic Equipment and Bikes
Athletic equipment may not be used in university-sponsored housing or in the immediate vicinity of doors and windows (to avoid damaging doors or windows). This includes but is not limited to: skate boards; hover boards; roller blades; lacrosse and hockey equipment; golf and baseball equipment; basketballs, bowling balls, footballs, rugby balls, soccer balls, volleyballs, tennis balls and racquet balls; frisbees, and scooters.
Bikes are not permitted in lounges or stairwells. Since there are no storage facilities available for bikes in the residence halls, they must be stored in your room or outside on bike racks. Bikes should never be locked to trees, railings, or buildings. All bikes should be removed from campus at the end of the academic year, or they may be donated/confiscated.
Disrespect for or Interference with Residence Life Professional Staff
Disrespect is considered an extremely serious offense. Any student who commits an act of disrespect against a Residence Life staff member, including student staff and professional staff members, will be subject to disciplinary action. A finding of responsibility in such cases may result in suspension or dismissal from the University.
Acts of disrespect include but are not limited to:
- intentionally interfering with any normal function of a University-sponsored activity, on- or off-campus;
- failing to comply with directions of University employees acting in the performance of their duties;
- engaging in acts or deeds that violate existing federal, state, county, or municipal laws or ordinances;
- refusing to show or surrender University identification upon request by University employees acting in the performance of their duties, including Office of Residence Life student staff;
- failure to appear before the Dean of Students or designee;
- not cooperating with any Student Conduct Administrator/Board or Panel by not being forthcoming and honest with information or disrespectful comments verbally or on social media;
- not complying in a timely manner with disciplinary actions.
Entering Student Rooms and Residences
Authorized University representatives, which include Residence Life Professional Staff and student staff members, may enter a student’s room:
- to inspect, repair, examine, or make necessary alterations;
- to enforce University policy, investigate possible policy infractions;
- To ensure that students have vacated the room in emergency situations;
- to inspect for cleanliness, health, and safety of the space;
- In the case of a suspected emergency, to ensure health and safety of anyone thought to be in the room.
If a university staff member enters a room for requested repairs or maintenance during the academic year, staff members will make every effort to enter the rooms after 10:00 a.m. In all other situations, staff members may enter student residences at any time.
Room searches can be conducted in any University assigned housing if necessary. Residence Life student staff may enter a room and observe what is in plain view. Only Residence Life Professional Staff or a person designated by the Dean of Students may conduct searches of drawers, closets, and other areas. When a search is conducted, the occupants will be made aware of the reason for the search, but not necessarily before the search is made. If a student is not present for a room/residence search, written notification (via e-mail and/or notice left in the room) will be provided to the student.
An effort will be made to have at least two University representatives, including at least one Student Affairs professional staff member, present when a search of a student room is conducted. In a criminal case or other serious emergency, the presence of a Student Affairs professional staff member may not be required.
Any belongings removed during the search will be recorded by the Office of Residence Life and JCUPD. Such belongings will be returned, if and when it is safe and lawful to do so, after disposition of a case by the appropriate University or civil authority. If the items are not picked up, they will be disposed of at the end of the semester in which the policy violation occurred.
In a criminal case or other serious emergency, the presence of a Student Affairs professional staff member may not be required.
Gambling, or games of skill or chance, where money changes hands are not permitted in University assigned housing. Students may not organize pools, drawings, or raffles where money is involved. All fundraisers must be approved by Residence Life Professional Staff.
Guests and Visitation
Guests are defined as those individuals not assigned as an occupant of the room, including other students and residents of other university-sponsored housing.
It is important that the right of a roommate to privacy supersedes the right of the roommate to have guests in the room, so a roommate should always be consulted before having a guest in the room. Alternatively, you and your roommate can decide on mutually-agreeable guest parameters in your roommate agreement.
You are reminded that you are responsible for the actions of your guests and will be held accountable for any damages, loss of property, or behavior that is initiated by your guests. You should accompany your guests at all times while on campus. This includes residents of other buildings who are visiting you.
Guests of residents are permitted to stay overnight (but are not permitted to stay more than two consecutive nights) in the residence halls provided the guest is of the same sex as the hosting resident.
Visitation hours in university-sponsored housing is limited to 11:00 a.m. to midnight Sunday through Thursday and 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 a.m. Friday and Saturday. Residence Life Professional Staff may place guest restrictions on any floor, wing, or building for any length of time.
Parental or Guardian Notification
The University and the Office of Residence Life reserves the right to notify or contact parents if a student demonstrates behavior suggesting they are unable to responsibility manage their behavior or residence hall room.
Pets/ Animals in University-Sponsored Housing
Pets are not permitted, with the exception of fish. No tank may exceed 20 gallons. Fish tanks should be maintained and cleaned as required for the health of the fish. Although power for fish tanks may stay on during short breaks, during winter break fish tanks must be unplugged. It is expected that if you own fish, you follow proper care and maintenance during breaks. If you fail to meet expectations for cleanliness, maintenance or winter break, you may be fined or called back to campus.
To provide reasonable accommodations to students, employees and visitors with disabilities that give them the opportunity for equal access to educational programs, activities and services provided by the University, the Office of Residence Life will consider the use of a service animal on campus or an emotional support animal in University housing. Reasonable accommodations will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Please refer to Student Accessibility Services for information.
Quiet Hours
Quiet Hours or the sound level confined to one’s room are in effect from:
- Sunday through Thursday, 10:00 p.m. to 9:00 a.m. the following morning
- Friday and Saturday, midnight to 9:00 a.m. the following morning
Courtesy hours are always in effect. During courtesy hours, it is important to respect the rights of those in your community by limiting noise if asked to do so. Amplified musical instruments and drums are not permitted due to the noise levels they create (i.e. those with electrical speaker connections). The playing of other instruments is subject to the agreement of residents in the affected areas and must adhere to the quiet hours policy.
During finals week, quiet hours are in effect 24 hours a day. A violation of these quiet hours will result in a $25 fine, and any subsequent violations may result in the immediate removal from the residence halls for the remainder of finals week.
Roofs, Ledges, and Balconies
For the safety of all, roofs, ledges, and balconies are off limits. You are not permitted to place any items, including shoes, clothes, food, plants, etc., on ledges or balconies.
Smoking (Updated 9.12.18)
As of August 1, 2018, John Carroll University is a tobacco-free campus. Therefore, smoking is not permitted in campus housing or on campus grounds.
In university-sponsored housing, residential students are allowed to possess tobacco products in their rooms/house/duplex. Tobacco products include, but are not limited to, cigarettes (clove, bidis, kreteks); cigars and cigarillos; pipes; and all forms of smokeless tobacco. While residential students may possess tobacco products, the use of tobacco products in residential areas or on John Carroll’s campus is prohibited as defined by the university’s Tobacco-Free policy.
The possession or use of Juuls, Vape pens, e-cigarettes, hookahs, and/or associated paraphernalia is not permitted in residential living areas.
Solicitation is not permitted in University assigned housing. Solicitation includes but is not limited to: selling products or services, door-to-door collections, or flyer delivery and distribution.
Salespeople within the halls should be reported to JCUPD immediately. Residence Life Professional Staff also should be notified promptly.
Exceptions to this policy may only be granted by Residence Life Professional Staff. Exceptions are only allowed for hall programs of a particular residence hall.
Thefts should be reported to JCUPD immediately. Residence Life Professional Staff should also be notified. The University is not responsible for an individual student’s belongings. You should be sure that your property is properly insured. It is important to lock your door when you are sleeping or away from your room.
Weapons are not permitted. Use or possession of firearms, ammunition, explosives, dangerous chemicals, knives that do not meet specifications, or weapons of any kind are prohibited in University assigned housing. For additional information, see the Firearms and Weapons Policy.
Break information is provided on the Office of Residence Life webpage typically a few weeks prior to break.
Building Security and Tailgating
Always carry your keys and Carroll Card and lock your door when leaving your residence hall room. Do not provide access to any unescorted guests into university-sponsored housing and report unescorted persons in the residence halls. When visiting another student in a building of which you are not a resident, you must be escorted by a resident of that building. All residential living wings are locked twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Propping outside doors is not permitted as it poses a security risk to all residents.
Tailgating to gain entry to any residence hall is not permitted. “Tailgating” is a situation in which one or more people follow an authorized resident through an access-controlled door after the authorized resident opens the door using their access. This can be done with or without the authorized resident’s knowledge and/or consent. Residents should not allow strangers and/or non-residents of the building to tailgate them.
Keys and Carroll Cards
Keys and Carroll Cards should be secured at all times. Keys may not be duplicated, sold or loaned to anyone (including friends or roommates) and may not be thrown/dropped out of windows for guests to obtain access to the building. Keys should be secured at all times and lost or stolen keys/Carroll Cards should be reported immediately to the Office of Residence Life. Stolen keys/Carroll Cards should also be reported to JCUPD. Each lost/stolen key costs seventy-five dollars ($75.00). The fee covers lock changes to protect both current and future residents and their belongings.
There is a $5.00 charge for all lockouts that occur in the residence halls and a $25.00 charge for all lockouts that occur in the duplexes and campus houses.
All lockouts are handled by Residence Life Professional Staff and JCUPD. Should you be locked out of your room between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, you may contact the Office of Residence Life at 216.397.4408. In the residence halls at any other time, your RA or another RA in your building can give you access to your room. If you cannot locate an RA, you may contact JCUPD at 216.397.1234. They will contact the staff member on duty.
Payment should be made in cash to the Residence Life Staff member at the time of the lockout. If a student is unable to pay at that time, the student may bring bring payment to the Office of Residence Life within 48 hours. If a student fails to make payment within 48 hours, the student’s account will be billed $50.
Each student in the residence hall is afforded one lock-out per academic year at no charge. The Office of Residence Life will record the use of this courtesy lock-out.
Approved Appliances, Prohibited Items & Extension Cords
Electrical appliances must be in compliance with the housing and fire codes of the City of University Heights. Each appliance must be UL approved.
Approved appliances include stereos, computers, televisions, DVD players/gaming systems, microwaves (1 cubic foot and under 900 watts), blankets, fans, coffee makers, desk lights, hairdryers, hair straighteners, and curling irons.
In standard singles and doubles, one refrigerator is permitted. In standard triples, two refrigerators are permitted. In suites, one refrigerator is permitted per bedroom. All refrigerators must be 4.6 cubic feet or smaller.) Stand-alone freezers are not permitted.
Prohibited items include toasters, toaster ovens, hot pots, sun lamps, electric skillets and woks, grills (including the George Foreman grill), oil popcorn poppers, space heaters, and air conditioners (unless medically approved). Only UL approved, circuit breaker type extension cords and power strips may be used. Any extension cord without a surge protector is prohibited. Lamps with built-in outlets are not approved.
Candles and Incense
Possession and/or use of candles and/or incense are prohibited in campus housing. Grills, fire pits, fireworks, hookahs, and other items with open flames are also prohibited in campus housing.
Fire Safety
Fire safety is everyone’s responsibility. All fire alarms should be considered true indications of danger and the building must be evacuated as safely and quickly as possible.
As the hallways are the primary emergency egress routes, all halls should be clear of impediment. Nothing is allowed on the floors in hallways (i.e. welcome mats, shoes, decorations, and athletic equipment). While staff will attempt to alert residents to leave, it is incumbent upon each person to take personal responsibility to exit the building. Staff will indicate when people may safely return inside.
Fire drills are conducted in each residence hall annually. Failing to evacuate the building during an alarm will result in disciplinary action.
The University Heights Fire Marshal inspects each University building on a regular schedule. The Fire Marshal may enter any room without notification to determine if it is in violation of fire safety policies.
The University takes the actions of tampering with fire alarms, smoke detectors, sprinklers, and fire extinguishers (which trigger an alarm) very seriously and doing so is a violation of the fire policy. Causing a false alarm may induce panic and carry severe consequences. False alarms create an environment where students often ignore the alarm assuming there is no danger. Ignoring an alarm may cause students to become injured, overcome by smoke, or to lose their lives.
The following will be considered as sufficient cause for immediate interim suspension from the University pending a conduct hearing:
- Intentionally setting a fire of any nature.
- Pulling a fire alarm when no danger is present.
The following will be considered sufficient cause for immediate removal from the residence halls pending a hearing:
- Misuse of fire extinguishers.
- Tampering with the protective hood on fire alarm pull stations.
- Removing batteries from a room smoke detector.
Common Area Space
Common area space is made available for the benefit of all residents. Various lounges provide televisions, pool tables, microwave ovens, kitchens, and study areas. Residents are responsible for the daily upkeep of these areas. Therefore, your cooperation in maintaining a clean atmosphere is expected.
Lounge furniture or cushions may not be removed from lounges. Residents may not leave personal items in common area spaces (i.e. athletic equipment, academic materials, toiletries, and electronics). Sleeping in common areas, and any non-residential room spaces is prohibited.
Community Damage
Community damage is damage done in public areas, such as a restroom, study room, hallway or stairwell. The public area losses or damages that are preventable and are not assignable to individuals will be billed in equal amounts to the floor or building members. It is the responsibility of all residents to be aware of their environment and to hold others accountable who vandalize property.
Report vandalism to an RA, Residence Life professional staff, JCUPD and/or the 24-hour anonymous hotline (216) 397-1515.
Consolidation may be necessary when numerous students are living in rooms without roommates. To make the best use of available space, students without roommates may be required to consolidate with other students.
Dining Plans
Dining plans are required for everyone living in traditional residence halls on campus. For those living in university houses and duplexes, dining plans are available, but not required.
For students who are enrolled in a university-sponsored/credit-bearing internship or student teaching, an exception to the meal plan may be offered. The Office of Residence Life will work with students to make any related modifications.
Please call the Office of Residence Life at 216.397.4408 with any questions.
Housing Agreements
Information is available here.
The University does NOT cover personal property that may be lost or damaged from any cause, including but not limited to fire and flooding. We recommend that you purchase renter’s insurance if your property is not covered.
Repairs and Cleaning
Repairs to student rooms can be requested online by entering a work order. All requests go to the Facilities Department and will be addressed within 48 hours.
If it is an emergency, please let your RA, SRA, AC, and/or JCUPD know.
Students are not able to schedule appointments for maintenance to enter their room for the repair. Maintenance staff is not permitted to enter student rooms to perform repairs until 10:00 a.m., unless it is an emergency. They are permitted to work in all common areas of the residence halls and bathrooms beginning at 8:00 a.m. during the academic year and 6:00 a.m. during the summer months.
When bathrooms are “Closed” for maintenance or cleaning, do not enter the restroom. Instead, use an alternate bathroom in the building. The University reserves the right to take disciplinary action against any student who violates this policy.
Residency Requirement
All entering students, of traditional age, need to declare their status as a resident or commuter through the Enrollment Reservation Form sent by the Office of Admission.
Commuting is defined as living exclusively in the permanent and primary residence of a parent or legal guardian. The home of the parent or guardian must be within 35 miles of the John Carroll University campus. Once a student establishes one’s status as a resident, they must seek approval for a change of status to commuter. Formal requests can be made through the Office of Residence Life through the Request for Release process.
Room Condition/Room Decorations
Keep in mind safety and the ability to exit from your room when adding furniture. Any type of partition or hanging material that represents a potential fire hazard will not be permitted (i.e. banner/tapestries hanging over smoke detectors or decorative lights hanging from the ceiling). You may hang your own curtains, but University-issued drapes must be re-hung before checking out of the room. Waterbeds are not allowed in the residence halls. All furniture present in the room during check-in must be present in the room at check-out. You are not permitted to paint your room. Decorations used for special occasions must be of fire retardant material. All decorative lights must be for indoor use and UL approved. Live Christmas trees are not permitted in residence halls. Neon signs are prohibited in residence hall windows. Street and traffic signs of any sort are prohibited in students’ rooms.
Nails, thumbtacks, tape of any kind, and other devices (decals on mirrors and doors) that will damage any painted or wooden surface are not permitted. Tampering with or rewiring of electrical fixtures is prohibited. The University reserves the right to judge what is “safe” for its buildings and occupants. The University reserves the right to require students to remove the display of offensive material (such as on a door, window, residence room walls, etc.). Residents should not attach TVs to walls in any way that damages the walls through mounts screwed or bolted to the walls. Duct tape or packing tape may not be used on any surface in rooms. Room damage determined by the University not to be from normal wear and tear will be assessed to those assigned to the room.
Using Room for Commercial Purposes
Using your assigned residence hall room for commercial purposes, such as running a business or storing business inventory, is prohibited.
Vacancies may occur during the year. If you are left with a vacancy in your room, you are expected to welcome a new roommate. Those found to be disrespectful to residents seeking a room change, in order to dissuade them, may be charged for a buyout and sent through the Student Conduct System.
If you do not have a roommate, you are expected to leave one side of the room and one set of furniture clean and unused, so another student could move-in to the space at any time.
Windows and Screens
Windows may not be used to enter or exit a building except in the case of an emergency. Throwing, dropping or hanging any items out of windows is strictly prohibited. Although screens are not provided in most rooms, where provided, removing or tampering with the screen is prohibited. Any damage to existing screens will be billed to both residents of the room. If you choose to purchase your own screen(s), it is your responsibility to remove the screen(s) and any adhesive left behind.