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Looking for a Policy?

Certain policies required for compliance with federal, state, or other regulations are also posted on the Policies and Disclosures page, linked at the bottom of every page on the University website.

Use the links below to navigate within this page.

Please note that, until recently, many policy documents have a cross references section with hyperlinks directly to the policies mentioned. We are in the process of replacing these links with a link to the main policy pages. If you follow a hyperlink, please check this page or the HR page to ensure that the policy has not changed in the meantime.

General Policy Processes

Policies may be created by departments and offices on campus and sent to the appropriate policy committee for review, discussion, and approval. 

  • Policies for employees: HR Policy Committee (Jen Rick)
  • Policies for students (nonacademic): Dean of Students Office (Emily Sherwood)
  • Educational Policies: University Committee on Educational Policy (Meghan Gibbons)
  • All Other Polices: University Committee on Administrative Policy (Todd Bruce)

Individuals who become aware of a policy gap may also request a policy by completing the New Policy Request Form. Your request will be routed to the appropriate committee, and the chair will follow up with you.

All policies are reviewed on a regular schedule, but members of the campus community who have concerns about a policy may request an early review by completing the Policy Review Request Form. The request will be routed to the appropriate committee, and the chair will follow up with you. 

Human Resources Policies

Human Resources’ Policy page links to policies pertaining to employment, compensation, benefits, leaves & accommodations, communication, conduct, and technology.  The Human Resources’ Policy page also lists some broader university policies that they have reviewed, including policies on copyright, University vehicles, alcohol and drug testing, contract approvals, signature declarations.  

Other Policies Linked at the HR Policies site




University Administrative Policies

If a position named in a policy is temporarily vacant, the supervisor of the named position will designate an individual to fill that role until the position is filled.

If a position named in a policy no longer exists, the supervisor of that position should notify UCAdP to amend the policy. If that has not yet happened and the need arises, that position's role in said policy will be fulfilled by the employee who has assumed responsibility for that element of the former position's workload. If it is unclear who should take on the role, the supervisor of the named position will designate a temporary replacement and notify UCAdP and any other relevant constituents.

Click here to see a complete list of positions named in policies and any temporary delegations.



Cybersecurity Policies

Please address questions about these policies to the Director of IT Security.

Most of the Cybersecurity Policies are available to members of the John Carroll community; however, some are restricted to members of ITS. For additional access, please contact the CIO.


Please address questions about these policies to the Director of Sponsored Programs.



University Committee on Educational Policy

Commonly Referenced Policies

The Bulletin contains Educational/Academic policies as they are accurate at the time of Bulletin publication. If UCEP approves a policy revision which is implemented after the publication of the Bulletin, it will appear in an expander below and then appear in the next iteration of the Bulletin.

    Additional Policies--including policies that will appear in the next Bulletin--appear below.

    University Data Retention Schedules

    Approved data retention schedules will be posted in the JCU Faculty & Staff Shared Drive once approved.