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Academic Accommodations: AIM Student Portal

If you are already a registered SAS student, you will have an online profile on the AIM student Portal. Click the link below to access your information and request your accommodations.

Log into AIM

Use your John Carroll University campus credentials to log into AIM, the online services portal that JCU students use to request accommodations and send their Letter of Accommodation to faculty,  acknowledge policies, and more!


Video Tutorial Guides- Go to our AIM at JCU YouTube page for step-by-step video tutorials:

About AIM

Accessible Information Management (AIM) is a web-based tool for John Carroll students registered with Student Accessibility Services. AIM currently provides students the following services:

  • Request academic accommodations each semester
  • electronically e-mail your accommodation letter to your professor

General guidelines and step-by-step tutorials for accessing AIM are provided below.

Why do I need to use AIM?

  • You must request accommodations each semester through AIM in order to ensure the most effective implementation of your accommodations.
    • Please make sure to request your accommodations in a timely manner, as some accommodations require advanced preparation and planning.
  • Professors are not obligated to provide you with classroom accommodations if you have not provided your official accommodation letter .
    • Unless requested by the student registered with SAS, faculty members receive no notification of your registration status at SAS or your accommodations.
    • Your accommodations can be requested and e-mailed to you and to your professors upon your request through AIM. 
    • Faculty cannot request verification of accommodations directly from SAS.

Every semester, students must complete the following in AIM:

  • Request Accommodations
  • Acknowledge SAS policies 
  • Send Accommodation Letter to Faculty

Tips for Requesting Accommodations

  • SAS recommends that you contact your professors before the start of (or at the beginning of) each semester to discuss your accommodation needs for each class. 
  • Familiarize yourself with each course's syllabus and requirements; proactively address any questions or concerns you may have regarding the provision of your accommodations.
  • Please remember that you do not need to identify the nature of your disability to your professors; however, many students have found it helpful to discuss their specific learning styles with their professors.

AIM Video Tutorials

Watch our tutorial videos online to learn how to use your AIM account to manage your accommodations. All videos can be found on our "AIM at JCU" YouTube channel (

Requesting your LOA:

Attendance Accommodation - Agreements with Instructors:

Student Navigation on AIM: