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The Institutional Assessment Committee addresses and advances effective assessment of student learning at John Carroll University. The Committee meets at least three times each academic year. Meeting minutes are available in the committee's Shared Drive and upon request.

The Committee is responsible for:

  • Collaborating with the Provost’s office to ensure ongoing systems of academic assessment, including:
    • Review of reports of programmatic assessment of student learning;
    • Advising and assisting the Core committee in planning and carrying out assessment of the University’s general education programs;
    • Implement and maintain processes for assessment of student learning at the institutional level;
    • Recommendation of changes and modifications in institutional assessment processes.
  • Reporting to various stakeholders and constituencies the findings of the assessment program and their implications for maintaining and improving the quality of undergraduate and graduate instruction.
  • Advising faculty, departments, divisions, and colleges on assessment procedures and methods.
  • Recommending to and collaborating with the Assessment Director to provide assessment workshops and seminars for faculty.

Appointed Members

  • Director of Assessment: Todd Bruce (current chair)
  • Director of Teaching Innovation: Malia McAndrew

Area Representative Members

  • Assessment Committee (Boler College of Business): Scott Moore
  • Department of Education: Yi Shang
  • Department of Counseling: Sarh Noble-Hope
  • Integrative Core Committee: Peter Kvidera, director
  • Student Experience and Campus Belonging: Lisa Brown Cornelius

Faculty Representatives (elected at-large by faculty)

  • Mindy Peden (term ends in 2025)

Staff Representative

  • Meghan Gibbons (Associate Registrar)

Student Representative

  • tbd 

The committee typically elects its chair at the first spring meeting each year.