The program is an extension of John Carroll’s University Advancement activities and an important aspect of the University’s future. It consists of a network of alumni class representatives who work with their friends and roommates to help support and promote the University.
The Class Agent serves as a link from his or her class to the University, and vice versa. The agent is the volunteer who helps increase his or her class’s awareness about the needs of the University, and maintains a peer-to-peer relationship within his or her class. The agent will maintain contact with classmates in non-reunion years.
The agent’s time requirements are few compared with the difference they can make for John Carroll. We estimate that the position will require no more than one hour each semester.
John Carroll could not exist without the support of our alumni. Thanks to your contacts and your generosity, we are able to inspire minds and transform lives for generations of Carroll students.
If we can continue to build on this support, we can help the University thrive both now and in the future. One way we can increase alumni support is through the Class Agent Program.
- The agent will select five to 15 classmates as primary contacts.
- The agent will call these primary contacts during the fall semester and remind them to give to John Carroll this year. If the contact does not donate during the fall semester, the agent will call again in the spring semester.
- When the contact does donate,the agent will send a thank you note or email. In addition, the agent will communicate with his or her contacts through alternative mediums: email, social media, etc.
- The agent will also encourage his or her contacts to become class agents, thus expanding the fundraising network.
- Agents are encouraged to assist with his or her reunion committee.

The University will provide each agent with three reports each year:
- An initial report in September on the agent’s assignees, including names, contact information, and their history of giving to John Carroll.
- A second report in February listing the names of those individuals who donated during the fall semester.
- A wrap up report in June showing final results.
In addition to these reports, agents will receive periodic emails keeping them updated on current events at JCU as well as general announcements. The class agent will be provided with a pledge card, thank you notes and sufficient envelopes (postage paid).
- Class agents will be highlighted in the Honor Roll of Donors publication.
- Class agents will be invited, along with their families, to a Class Agent Appreciation reception during a JCU basketball game in January/February (specific game TBA).
- Class agents will be able to attend Reunion at a discounted rate if 75% if their contacts give to Carroll during the year.
Become a Class Agent

Sign up to become a class agent: