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John Carroll University will graduate individuals of intellect and character who lead and serve by engaging the world around them and around the globe.


As a Jesuit Catholic university, John Carroll inspires individuals to excel in learning, leadership, and service in the region and in the world.

John Carroll University Catholicity Statement

Core Values

The University’s core values include a commitment to learning in order to create:

  • An environment of inquiry which embraces Jesuit Catholic education as a search for truth where faith and reason complement each other in learning. In pursuit of our educational mission, the University welcomes the perspectives and participation in our mission of faculty, staff, students, and alumni, of all faiths and of no faith.
  • A rigorous approach to scholarship that instills in our graduates the knowledge, eloquence, sensitivity, and commitment to embrace and to live humane values.
  • A campus committed to the intellectual, spiritual, emotional, and physical development of each student.
  • An inclusive community where differing points of view and experience are valued as opportunities for mutual learning.
  • A culture of service and excellence that permeates every program and office.
  • A commitment to sharing our gifts in service to each other and the community.
  • A campus that responds to demographic, economic, and social challenges.
  • An appreciation that our personal and collective choices can build a more just world.

Strategic Plan

Catholicity Statement