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In Spring 2021 the University Committee on Administrative Policies approved the Records Retention Policy. The Records Retention Policy requires that University records be retained for the amount of time prescribed in each department’s or division’s retention schedule. Each department or division should have an official (or draft) record retention schedule at this point. Published schedules can be found on the JCU Faculty and Staff shared drive, some schedules are still going through the approval process but should be followed for the time being. If your area has not submitted a record retention schedule, or you’re unsure, please contact for more information. 

You are also welcome to bring your personal records from home to be shredded on May 21.

Additionally, on May 21 ITS will be collecting your personal and John Carroll e-waste.

If you would like more information or have additional questions consider attending the upcoming Campus Shred Day Informational Webinar hosted by ITS on April 23, 2024 at 10am (Register for the webinar), review the FAQs below, or email